Week 7/52.

Some thoughts about running. This is one of the reasons why I keep holding on to it. It makes me come out in the woods every second day.

To be totally honest I used to hate running. I have tried several times during various periods my life but never managed to build up wether strength nor condition. It always ended in the same way. After a couple of weeks I used to quit. With sore knees or hips which made me finally give up.

Last time I gave it a try something was different. That was a year ago. I just kept on running. Every second day. Not very fast. Or gracious. Rather like a badger that was hit by a car. But still, I kept on running.

I turned into one of those persons I used to think of as rather provocative and annoying. I am addicted but it makes me feel good.

I live in great place because it only takes me a couple of minutes to get out into the woods, I run back to town along the river, I run through the city middle, continue down to the harbor, keep on running along the lakeside.

I am outside. Experience seasons change. I sleep well.

I consider myself being an introvert. I need this time on my own. It does not necessarily mean that it needs to be running. However, I usually listen to audiobooks or podcasts, I am on my own and it feels legitimate being withdrawn and hermit-like. It makes me re-load my batteries. As well as being energetic gives energy. Although I consider staying on my sofa almost every time because deep inside I am actually just as lazy as everybody else. But I dont because I know myself every now and then.

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