Lubitel 166+ + Kodak Portra 160VC
Month: May 2011
“För mig har fotografin alltid varit den plats där drömmen och verkligheten stämt möte. Det började i mörkrummet. Att genom ljusslussen få träda in i detta rum, förtrollat redan genom sitt metaforiska namn, kändes för mitt tonåriga jag som att få tillträde en okänd underjord. Efter att jag i blindo trevat mig fram till förstoringsapparaten […]
Parents and sheep.
Last weekend. My folks have been up here for a visit last week. We were hanging around in the countryside, walking through the woods, being lazy, drinking summer´s first rosé wine in the evening sun and […]
Loneliness is a gun.
Lubitel 166+ + Kodak Portra 160VC
The beat of the rain.
I shot these ones the other day actually just because i wanted to fill my roll of film. Took a long walk through the rain and it made me aware of how much I missed it. There are a lot of things I like about […]
3 x 35mm / pt2.
Three more miserable, dusty and scratched 35mm scans which i liked quite a lot anyway. Shooting with 35mm film in the Lubitel was great. Next time i might use slide film. That´s probably easier to […]
Polaroid love.
I can´t claim that i´m doing anything special today. Doing my laundry all day long is saturday´s highlight so far. Exciting, isn´t it? In the meantime I´m reading blogs and it tickles in my fingers to do some online shopping as well. I MUST buy some new Polaroid film! I haven´t been shooting instant film […]
Another frame from the latest roll of medium format film.
Took this one when we had a look at the 1st of May parade here in […]
Floral fireworks.
Another medium format frame. This double exposure was an accident. I wish i could plan things like this to happen sometime. Lubitel 166+ + Kodak Portra 160VC
3 x 35mm / pt1.
Lubitel 166+ + Kodak ColorPlus 200
Winter will end.
I´m sad today. In a pleasant way that makes your heart feel heavy but warm.
Just because i was listening to William Fitzsimmons the whole afternoon […]